Financial Assistance And Social Services Report (FASSR) Training

The Office of Indian Services Department of Human Services (OIS-DHS) has scheduled FASSR training on October 21 and 23.   It will be the same training with two dates to select from and is open to all programs who operate a welfare assistance program.  For those unable to attend one of the training sessions, OIS-DHS has provided a quick reference guide. Please click HERE to download.


Memo - Important Year-End Financial Closeout Dates 08.29.24

Draft Dear Tribal Leader Letter - JOM student count report reminder

Please click link below to download a PDF copy of the Dear Tribal Leader Letter for JOM reporting reminder:

/OSG/InformationFiles/FileLibrary/Broadcasts/2024_Broadcasts/Draft Dear Tribal Leader Letter - JOM student count report reminder signed.docx (1).pdf



DTLL 2024 CSC Data Request - FINAL 2024 Calculations due by 8/15/2024

Please click link below to download a PDF copy of the Dear Tribal Leader Letter for FY2024 Data call for Final CSC Calculations:

/OSG/InformationFiles/FileLibrary/Broadcasts/2024_Broadcasts/DTLL 2024 CSC Data Request - FINAL 7.15.2024.pdf

Please click link below to download the Excel copy of CSC Analysis Form:

/OSG/InformationFiles/FileLibrary/Broadcasts/2024_Broadcasts/FY2024 OSG CSC Analysis Form.xlsx