The Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, to ensure that BIL and IRA funding appropriated to Indian Affairs is obligated for intended purposes, has directed BIA and OSG to work with Tribes and Tribal Organizations to execute funding agreement documents to formally obligate such funding prior to January 19, 2025. A formal obligation of funds will preserve them from being rescinded and retracted from availability.
If your Self-Governance Tribe or Tribal Organization has received an award notice for BIL or IRA funding for Tribal Climate Resilience, Electrification, Fire, or Transportation, please have your designated tribal self-governance coordinator work quickly with your assigned OSG compact negotiator to complete BIL/IRA funding documents. This may include funding agreement amendments and construction addenda.
A model SG construction addendum, the most efficient means towards formal fund obligation, is the basis for draft addenda sent to tribal self-governance coordinators. Construction addenda include a project scope of work and budget as approved by the respective federal program.
Your cooperation to help preserve and utilize Indian Affairs’ BIL and IRA funding is appreciated.